Generate private keys

On Windows :

To generate the private key that you'll give to your PaSSHport admin, use puttygen that you can download from here (search for puttygen.exe).

Start puttygen, and on the main windows, select the type of key you want to generate (1), the key length (2), then click Generate button (3). Here, we selected RSA and a key length of 4096 (2048 is a considered as a minimum for RSA) :


Move your mouse in the blank space, until the key is generated :


Once generated, insert a comment (1), a strong passphrase (2), then save your private key (3).


You now have to send your RSA public key to your PaSSHport admin. Select your public key as shown in this screen capture, and copy/paste it into a mail to your PaSSHport admin :


You now have to wait until your PaSSHport admin add your key to your account into PaSSHport.

On Linux / Unix :

Simply open a terminal, and use the ssh-keygen command. Here we generate à 4096bits length RSA key :

user@host:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa):
Created directory '/home/user/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:1r28XcYMIclivAHSSqmzH5Dh1LJ+IMsQMhl2Ds1HtXQ user@passhport-debian9-dev
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 4096]----+
|.=o..oo=.E       |
|* +o+.=.+o . .   |
|.o +.B o  = + .  |
|. . O .  o = . . |
| o + =  S o . .  |
|  o o o.   . . + |
|     o .    o   =|
|      .      o o |
|            . .  |

Display your newly created public key :

user@host:~$ cat .ssh/
ssh-rsa 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 user@passhport-debian9-dev

And send this content to your PaSSHport admin. You now have to wait until your PaSSHport admin add your key to your account into PaSSHport.