Use PostgreSQL as database backend

Install psycopg2 and psycopg2-binary python modules

If you did not use the packaged version of passhport (deb/rpm), proceed as follow. If you used the package version, go directly below, to the PostgreSQL configuration.

Before installing python libs, be sure to have pg_config in your $PATH and some postgres libraries.

For Debian, install postgresql

# apt install postgresql

For CentOS, install postgresql :

# yum install postgresql

If you want to use PostgreSQL as the database backend you'll need to add two python modules : psycopg2 and psycopg2-binary.

As passhport user, install psycopg2 and psycopg2-binary:

$ /home/passhport/passhport-run-env/bin/pip install psycopg2 psycopg2-binary

PostgreSQL configuration

Create a passhport user in you postgreSQL server (may be different on your distro, this is just an example) :

# su - postgres
$ createuser -D -S -R passhport && createdb -O passhport "passhport"

Add a password to postgreSQL passhport user :

$ psql
psql (9.2.18)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# ALTER USER "passhport" WITH PASSWORD 'MySUpErp45sw0rD';
postgres=# \q

Passhportd configuration

Change the configuration of the passhportd.ini file (/etc/passhport/passhportd.ini). You need to change the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI parameter to :

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI        = postgresql://passhport:MySUpErp45sw0rD@localhost/passhport

As passhport (system) user, initialize the database :

$ /home/passhport/passhport-run-env/bin/python /home/passhport/passhport/passhportd/

Then you can launch passhportd (kill it before if it stills running) :

$ /home/passhport/passhport-run-env/bin/python /home/passhport/passhport/passhportd/passhportd

PaSSHport now use PostgreSQL backend.